Turning an Interview Transcript into an Interactive Chat

Recently, I had the chance to create an interactive chat with an expert in the field of COVID-19 research.

When it came time to create the chat, however, I needed to have an abundance of information before I decided to pick and choose what information was important enough to include in the interactive chat and what information would be better left out.

I began the process by securing an interview with Zev Goldberg, a Public Health Intern at the Saving Lives Initiative. After securing the interview, I set up a Zoom call with Zev to discuss pressing issues surrounding the pandemic and to ask specific questions I had about where he thought the country was headed in the wake of the pandemic.

After completing the interview, I thumbed through the information that I had received and picked the information that I thought would be most helpful to viewers. Additionally, I paired infographics, gifs, and photos with the messages that Goldberg shared in order to make those messages more appealing to the viewer.

Below, I have included a transcript of the original interview with Goldberg. All of the information that is found in the interactive chat can be linked back to this interview.