Earning Journalism and Marketing Certifications

At the beginning of this semester, I was tasked with learning more about various journalism and marketing certifications through Facebook and how they can be helpful to journalists in each aspect of their career.

Through Poynter, I was able to obtain different journalism and marketing certifications and focus on various parts of how journalists can utilize the different Facebook platforms and tools. I focused on:

  1. Facebook for Journalists
  2. How Journalists Can Best Utilize Facebook and Instagram
  3. Immersive Storytelling With Facebook 360
  4. Content Discovery and Social Monitoring with CrowdTangle
  5. Connect and Engage With Your Audience Using Facebook Live

In addition to Facebook Certifications, I have completed other journalism and marketing certifications that have led me further in my journalism career. I have completed:

  1. Inbound Marketing
  2. Social Media
  3. Inbound
  4. Advanced Google Analytics
  5. Google Ads Fundamentals
  6. Google Ads Search
  7. Google Analytics Individual Qualification
  8. Social Marketing

These certifications have taught me more about what it means to be an active journalist and how to market your own stories to the public. In the future, I plan to continue to renew these various certifications and continue to find other certifications that will enhance my journalistic skills and ability.

Have any ideas on certifications our courses that might be useful? Leave them in the comments below!