How Augmented Reality Can Be Used in PR

It seems as if the older I get, the more convergence there is between the things I do for work and the things I do for pleasure. Today, for example, I realized how my love of interior design and my extreme enjoyment of public relations had the opportunity to overlap once again in my daily life.

As I was shopping for furniture, I came across the IKEA place app, an app that allows you to place IKEA furniture in your own and see it as if it were really there in real life. I enjoyed the experience and virtually applauded the PR and marketing department at IKEA for doing such a great job in producing an app that provided such an excellent customer experience.

As I continued to tinker around with the app for a little while, I realized how augmented reality was changing the game for PR professionals all over the world. I then asked myself the question, “How else can augmented reality be used in PR?”

After doing a little bit of research on my own, I compiled a list of a few of the different ways augmented reality has taken PR by storm over the past few years, and where I think it will continue to increase customer experience in the future.

Companies utilizing augmented reality in their PR and marketing approaches:

Below I have included a photo of the fun I had while using the IKEA place app today! My advice is this: if you’re interested in augmented reality or public relations, and maybe even both, do your research now and explore your options!!

When you combine work and pleasure, the opportunities are endless!