Gaining Market Share with Long-tail Marketing

Recently, I came across a TED Talk that completely changed my perspective on the long tail of marketing.

According to Chris Anderson, an authority on emerging technologies and the cultures that surround them, there are four key stages of any viable technology: setting the right price, gaining market share, displacing an established technology and, finally, becoming ubiquitous.

While this is the first time I have heard technology explained in this way, I am certain it will not be the last. I enjoyed the video for a number of reasons, but one of the main things I enjoyed was the amount of data that backed up each principle Anderson introduced.

In my opinion, gaining market share is one of the most important parts of any viable technology. If you have not gained market share for your product, there is little to no chance of the product surviving.

Luckily, in today’s world in reference to the long tail of marketing, specialized products do extremely well in the market place. Just as Anderson said, if you set the right price, gain market share, displace and established technology, and become ubiquitous, you have a good chance of succeeding.

Check out this article to learn more about the long-tail of marketing and how your company can elevate itself to the next level.